Sunday, November 2, 2008

Favorite Internet Marketing Forum

I saw something the other day on the Warriors Forum that inspired me. Before I go into it, I should mention that the Warriors Forum is one of those hidden gems that I had heard about for a long time, but only recently joined.

If you've never heard of it, or have just been putting it off, you ought to think about joining the Warriors. What a great program, and a great group of people!

When you join, you gain access to all kinds of articles, ebooks, and other resources that will give you an education. You also get resale rights to a number of ebooks, and, of course, access to the forum.

The whole thing is the brainchild of Allen Says, who is well-known in internet marketing circles. The forum is a tremendous resource, and quite a few people whose names I have seen mentioned often are regular posters.

You'll meet people with all levels of skill and experience, get questions answered, get feedback on your ideas or your advertising copy, and can even look for Joint Venture partners.

Can you tell that I love the place? Forums are a great way to educate yourself, meet some of your internet marketing colleagues, and let yourself be known.

Anyway -- now for the great suggestions I saw posted.

The basic idea was to do TWO things every day that will in some way increase your earnings and productivity, and benefit your business. What a great idea!

1. Do something every day that will make you more money, or increase traffic and sales.

  • do some link exchanges with relevant sites
  • place an ezine ad or write and distribute an article
  • look for profitable PPC words, and place some new ads
  • increase your budget for successful PPC ad campaigns
  • add a stream of revenue (i.e., affiliate product) to a content site
  • review the last thing you read, and implement one suggested strategy

2. Do something every day that will reduce your expenses or make you more efficient

  • automate some task or aspect of your business
  • add to your FAQ, to cut down on email inquiries
  • shut off your email client and chat software for the day
  • unsubscribe from a newsletter you no longer find helpful
  • abstain from surfing any websites for the day
  • cancel recurring payments for memberships or services you don't use
  • make a text file with your link text pre-formatted, so you can do "cut and paste" link exchanges
  • add pages to your content site

The other thing the guy suggested was to do something nice every day. Be good to someone, help someone, whatever, but do it just for the sake of doing it.

The reward for you, of course, is that you'll like yourself better, which will actually make you more productive and successful over time.

I've paraphrased, but some of the above was in the original forum post, and some I came up with on my own, because that forum post got me to thinking.

In the past year, I've become a big fan of forums and blogs, because of their "information value". Seems like every time I visit one, I either learn something directly, or am prompted to think about something in a new way, and I end up learning from the forum indirectly.

My favorite forum to date, by far, is the Warriors Forum.

Check it out ... it's worth it!

source: emarketting blog

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