Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monetizing Your Website or Blog

I have to admit that I resisted using Google's AdSense program for a long time. I really can't explain why - I just did.

Recently, however, I decided to experiment with it. What a pleasant surprise!

It took me a few hours to put the code on all the pages of several websites that I own, but since then, all I have to do is check my stats once in a while to see how I'm doing.

How am I doing? Without going into specific numbers, let's just say that I have a nice additional stream of monthly income from several websites that otherwise generated sales on an erratic basis.

Now those sites kick off enough monthly income to cover a significant percentage of my own PPC ads. The click-throughs and income vary quite a bit from day to day, but I'm still quite happy with the results.

In implement the ads, I came across an invaluable resource that teaches all kinds of tips and tricks to improve the revenue from these ads. I've recently reviewed AdSense Secrets.

My review of AdSense Secrets is posted here.

source: emarketting blog

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